TB Testing Policy

March 20, 2012

TB Testing Policy

All Transition Projects employees must be tested for tuberculosis (TB) annually, as must any contractors or designated volunteers or vendors who perform duties at Transition Projects facilities. It is the employee’s responsibility to keep track of their expiration dates. The Human Resources Director may remind employees of upcoming test expirations. A copy of the current TB card must be given to the Human Resources Director within one week of the previous expiration date. New hires are required to provide the Human Resources Director with proof of their TB Status within two weeks of their hire date.

Employees who have a positive reaction to the skin test will be required to be evaluated by a physician annually. In instances where exposure may have occurred among employees, additional TB testing may be required.

Employees whose TB cards expire, or new hires who fail to obtain a TB card within two weeks of hire, will be administratively suspended from duty performance until they have presented current, valid proof of their TB status to the Human Resources Director. Noncompliance with this policy may also be grounds for discipline up to and including termination.

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