First Aid and Emergencies

March 20, 2012

First Aid and Emergencies

Injuries should be treated only by people with first aid training. Selected individuals are required to maintain up-to-date certifications in First Aid and CPR. This includes but is not limited to all full-time, part- time, or limited part time Residential Advocates and Community Service Center front-desk positions.

During trial period, all employees must be familiarized with the location of first aid kits, location and use of universal precautions equipment, location and use of fire extinguishers, identity of qualified first aid administrators, hospital and ambulance telephone numbers, and the location of fire/safety exits and evacuation procedures.

All employees must assure that emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers, fire alarms, fire hoses, exit doors and stairways are clear of obstacles and accessible at all times. All work areas must be kept clean. Each employee is responsible for cleaning up any hazards that he or she may create. All doorways, walkways, electrical panels, and fire extinguishers are to be kept clear at all times.

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Safety Committee TB Testing Policy
