Posts filed under ‘B. Hygiene and Dress Code’

Hygiene and Dress Code

Hygiene and Dress Code

Because we all serve as role models for our clients, and as representatives of Transition Projects to the community, all employees are expected to present themselves professionally and to report to work groomed and dressed appropriately and safely for their duties and their work environment.

The wide range of activities performed at Transition Projects makes it virtually impossible to prescribe specific items or categories of attire that would be suitable for all activities at all locations at all times. It is equally impossible to publish a list of “forbidden items”, as this would change constantly in tune with the larger cultural environment and the activity at hand. There are, however, overall standards that all grooming and attire must meet regardless of location or activity. Each employee’s grooming and attire must demonstrate respect for our clients, business partners, and the community; and must be safe for all activities at hand. Attire is to be clean and serviceable. Attire will conform to usual and customary standards of suitability for a customer-service business environment. Employees are expected to maintain high standards of personal hygiene and grooming.

Because of the wide array of activities at Transition Projects, department managers may implement specific dress standards for their departments so long as they meet the above standard. Standards of grooming and attire will be enforced consistently within each department and job group. Supervisors will counsel employees reporting to work in unsafe or unacceptable attire, or exhibiting poor personal hygiene or grooming, offering suggestions for how to meet the corporate standard. The supervisor has the discretion to send an employee home to correct their presentation. The period absent will be unpaid time. Employees who are in doubt, or who have Questions about what constitutes suitable and appropriate attire or appearance, should consult with their supervisor or a Human Resources representative.
