Posts filed under ‘B. Reclassifications’



Positions evolve over time. Too, as employees gain confidence, experience, and expertise, their actual duties performed and level of performance may transcend the boundaries of their nominal position. When there is evidence of either significant position evolution or performance evolution, concerned employees or managers may request a reclassification review.

Both the incumbent and the immediate supervisor, working independently, will complete a job inventory listing all essential duties, required skills, education, competencies and abilities, and outcome expectations for the position as it is currently performed. The Executive Director and/or Human Resources Director, acting as Reclassification Authorities, will analyze these inventories and determine whether the job should be adjusted to another classification.

If the position is adjusted to another classification, the incumbent will automatically be adjusted (promoted) at the same time. Because the incumbent has already been performing the duties, trial period may be waived at the recommendation of the supervisor concerned and approval of the Executive Director. If it is determined that performance at the higher level of classification had been ongoing, promotion and pay adjustments may be made retroactive for up to six months.

Should the Reclassification Authorities determine that some duties transcend the current position classification but not enough to justify a position reclassification, they may direct that the duties inconsistent with current classification be removed.
