Personal Property/Security/Privacy

March 20, 2012

Personal Property/Security/Privacy

  1. Your Personal Property and Vehicle.
    Transition Projects is not responsible for the safety of employees’ personal property (including vehicles), and will not reimburse loss or damage occurring on our premises. Employees must report any theft of property to their supervisor or their facility manager promptly.
  2. Searches and Inspections.
    Employee’s personal property such as briefcases, purses, packages, backpacks, etc., will not be the subject of search or seizure by the employer. Should the employer believe that an employee has contraband items such as firearms or drugs, or has inappropriately placed agency property, goods, or materials in their personal property, the employer may request that the employee voluntarily make such personal property available for inspection. If the employee refuses, the employer may request a local police agency to conduct an investigation of the employee’s personal property before the employee leaves the employer’s premises. In such case, the employer’s representative would need to advise the police agency on their reason for suspecting that the employee is attempting to unlawfully remove property, goods, or materials from the agency.

    The police agency shall then determine if it has probable cause to initiate an inspection of the employee’s personal property. If the police agency determines it has cause, then the employee will submit his/her property for inspection. If the police agency determines that there is not sufficient cause, then the employee will be allowed to remove his/her property without inspection. An employee’s refusal to wait for the arrival of the police after being notified that such call has been made may be subject to disciplinary action.

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