Hours of Work

March 19, 2012

Hours of Work

The workweek consists of forty hours per week; no employee may be regularly scheduled for more than twelve hours of work per day. A workday is defined as any 24-hour period. Any employee scheduled to work four or more hours per day will be entitled to a paid one-half hour lunch break after working three or more hours. Sole-coverage Residential Advocates who must be available for work during their meal break will mark an additional ½ hour of work time on that day’s time sheet. If doing so results in overtime, such overtime is automatically approved. Employees scheduled to work fewer than four hours per day may, with supervisor approval, take an unpaid lunch break. Each employee is allowed a fifteen minute paid break for each four hours worked. These breaks may not be combined to extend the lunch break, or to shorten the work day.

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Punctuality and Attendance Unplanned Absences or Tardiness: Call-in Policy
